We became an AGN International Member
Dear Clients,
We are pleased to announce that in June 2016 we received the opportunity to join to the AGN International, thereby in the future we will be able to broaden our clientele, to improve the palette of our consulting services and to become even more efficient in accomplishing our Clients’ arising demands regarding oversea expansion.
But what is AGN International?
AGN International is a global association of separate and independent accounting and advisory businesses.
The mission of AGN is to enable its members to support businesses and individuals with high standards, straight forward & practical business advice and local commercial know-how, wherever the need arises worldwide. Our AGN membership gives our clients access to practical business advice globally, within a structure of trusted relationships that is designed to deliver high standards at an affordable cost; an antidote to the complexity and cost of some global providers.
AGN International is composed of 5 regions. Within each region and worldwide, member firms collaborate to meet clients' needs, and improve client service by understanding of each other’s markets and sharing experience and knowledge.
AGN Commitment with our Clients
As members of AGN, our mission depends being able to count on great client service, wherever in the world their needs arise. Being ‘connected’ is critical to supporting clients around internationally.
All AGN members commit to client service standards as a term of their AGN membership.
AGN use the word ‘individual’ to describe the consulting style and culture. The diverse nature of the size, specialties and depth of local knowledge mean that AGN members are an antidote to the corporate greyness sometimes associated with the accounting profession. We aim to be commercial, pragmatic and genuine. We are relationship focused, wise and reflective, but young and energetic in outlook.
Members of AGN are trusted professionals that you actually want to do business with!
Regional Boards & AGN International staff monitor feedback on members’ client service performance, and act to resolve client service issues that might arise.
Standards are key in AGN International
Before being admitted to AGN membership, practices are subject to an application process which assesses their structure, activities, and approaches to matters including independence, ethics, regulation and oversight. This is followed by an on-site pre membership review by an existing AGN member, and findings are submitted to Regional and International Boards in a series of review and approval processes.
After admission, all AGN members provide an Annual Return of their ongoing activities, including confirming details of their current professional and regulatory good standing. The large majority of our members are subject to a regular independent review as a part of their local licensing & regulatory regime. Member Annual Returns are considered, together with the status of any independent reviews, each members’ client service performance and the risk profile of their professional activities. Issues arising are followed up as required and relevant actions agreed. There is an ongoing member visit program in certain regions.
We are ‘excellent’ because we uphold high standards of professionalism and service and all that we do.
AGN members use technical & client service methodologies that meet the needs of clients, and are acceptable to local licensing and regulatory authorities (where applicable). AGN does not mandate any particular methodologies. Independent inspection regimes arising from local licensing and regulatory regimes apply to most AGN members, and AGN does not additionally test the application of methodologies or exercise of professional judgments on a quality control basis. AGN members do not share a common brand or trading name, they do not share revenues or profits and are not a “Network” within the meaning of the section 290 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (2014 Edition) published by the International Federation of Accountants.
Visit the AGN website to learn all about our global association. www.agn.org